Jack Std-I/O

JACK audio-port for the unix commandline.

jack-stdout is a small tool that writes JACK audio-sample data to buffered standard output. jack-stdin reads raw audio data from standard-input and writes it to a JACK audio port.

jack-stdout works OOTB with JustEport as stdin to airtunes™ tool, and can be used with any command-line utilities like oggenc, sox, aacplusenc, lame, ffmpeg,..

By default jack-stdout writes 16 bit signed integer raw audio data (much like mpg123 -s) at JACK's samplerate, but it can output signed/unsigned 8/16/24/32 bit integer and 32bit floating-point data, both big/little endian.

See the included man-pages or run jack-stdout –help, jack-stdin –help for usage information.


jack-stdout xmms_0:out_1 xmms_0:out_2 \
| mono  ~/Desktop/Downloads/JustePort.exe - 0

jack-stdout -b 24 -e unsigned -B system:capture_1 system:capture_2 \
| sox -t raw -r 48k -e unsigned -b 24 -B -c 2 - /tmp/recording.wav

jack-stdout system:capture_1 system:capture_2 \
| oggenc -r -R 48000 -B 16 -C 2 - \
> /tmp/recording.ogg

jack-stdout system:capture_1 \
| oggenc -r -R 48000 -B 16 -C 1 - \
| oggfwd -p -n "my live stream" localhost 5900 hackme live.ogg
jack-stdout system:capture_1 system:capture_2 \
| sox -t raw -r 48k -e signed -b 16 -c 2 - \
      -t raw -r 48k -e signed -b 16 -c 2 - \
   tremolo 5 100 \
| jack-stdin system:playback_1 system:playback_2
oss/jackstdio/start.txt · Last modified: 29.12.2012 19:53 by rgareus